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Attendance in Jeffco

The importance of regular, daily school attendance as a basis for academic achievement cannot be overemphasized. Attendance is a shared responsibility of the student, the families and the school.

It is the family’s responsibility to ensure their student attends school and to notify the school when their student is absent for a legitimate reason, such as an illness or family emergency. Each family should also ensure their student’s school has their correct contact information so that the school is able to communicate about any attendance issues that may arise.

Jeffco Public Schools is committed to providing a variety of learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of students. McLain Community High School provides Alternative Education Campus (AEC)-eligible students a choice to attend a school other than their assigned neighborhood school.

Three students hiding behind a colorful curtain

McLain Eligibility Criteria

Regular school attendance is the most reliable indicator of student success at McLain, so students must satisfy the school-specific eligibility requirements for attendance and academic performance.

Attendance Requirements

As a condition of continued enrollment, McLain students shall maintain “regular school attendance,” which means four or fewer unexcused absences per “hexter” (six-week session).

Consistent with district policy, absences from McLain shall be unexcused unless they fall within one of the excused-absence exceptions set forth in District Policy JH and McLain receives suitable proof that the absence is excused, including, but not limited to, a doctor’s note or court order.

Students must attend all classes at their designated time, for instance, Monday-Friday students should be in their first-period class every day at 8 a.m. or they will be marked tardy. Three tardies equals one absence.

Academic Probation

As a condition of continued enrollment, McLain students shall attain a passing grade, specific to their program, in each of the classes they complete. If a student fails two or more classes in one hexter, they will be placed on academic probation for the next hexter. Any student who does not pass all classes during their hexter of academic probation will be given the opportunity to attend a study skills class.


Students who do not fulfill the requirements will meet with administration to determine other educational opportunities.

Work Opportunity

All students are eligible and encouraged to be employed and enroll in McLain’s On-the-Job Experience (OJE) program to earn elective credit. For every 60 hours worked, students earn a 0.5 elective credit.

Communicating Academic Progress

A student’s progress is available online 24/7. The final grade and number of credits earned will be calculated the last day of the hexter.

On the Job Experience

All students enrolled at McLain have the opportunity to earn elective credit for their employment outside of school by being enrolled in the On the Job Experience (OJE) program. Every 60 hours worked equals 0.5 elective credit. If the student chooses to earn credit through their outside work they will need to fulfill the “work for credit” requirements.

Training Agreement

Work Hours Form

A McLain Student rock climbing

Work for Credit Requirements

  1. Student must be employed
  2. Complete the training agreement and return it to your OJE teacher anytime during the quarter for credit that quarter
  3. Submit work hours for each pay stub through the online link. 
  4. How to turn in pay stubs so they can be verified with your online form:
    1. Place paper copy of pay stubs in the locked box labeled “OJE Pay Stubs” on the first or third floor 
    2. Or, email a picture of your pay stub to
    3. Or, text a picture of your pay stub to 720-215-2507 

Please note: When a student changes jobs the same form must be submitted for the new employer. The training agreement form must match the submitted pay stubs (sample pay stub).

Why must you have the forms and pay stubs? The state of Colorado funds schools for students' education. Since McLain High School awards credit toward graduation for hours students work, the state requires documentation that verifies each student actually worked the hours for which they were awarded credit.

In all other classes at McLain High School, a student’s “proof” for earning credit is documented with attendance, daily grades, quizzes, tests and projects. For work credit, however, the “proof” the state is the training agreement form and copies of pay stubs. 

Get more information about work experience.