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Group photo with everyone holding a carved pumpkin

Summit is a program at McLain that specializes in hands-on learning and non-traditional approaches to help students on the path to success for whatever they want to accomplish after high school.

Summit is made up of a team of tight-knit educators who genuinely care about the individual well-being and hopes and dreams of all students. We work hard to make school interesting, engaging and challenging, and our program is a safe and welcoming space for learners to thrive. 

Summit is also made up of incredible, gifted, nontraditional students who feel they belong at school. They are students who have come here for a second chance at school who have found their home for learning.

Summit was started 24 years ago to continue the ACE model of a small familial program with a later start time to serve more students. Later, Summit grew to accommodate teen parents, working students, Warren Tech students, students seeking college educations, students seeking post-secondary certificates, and more. 

Summit is excellent at building community within the walls of the school. Summit provides exciting and engaging opportunities to build strong bonds between students through program-wide leadership opportunities, exciting field trips, team-building activities, engaging elective opportunities and community service learning. 

The program boasts multi-talented educators who provide a variety of electives for students to access during the school year. The list is extensive and includes access to incredible classes such as outdoor leadership, art history, hiking and snowboarding, music appreciation and instrumentation, cooking through literature, theater and more.

Students interested in joining this incredible community can reach out to learn more about the application and orientation processes.

Contact Us

Achieve: 303-982-7497